South West England

We are a friendly network of Trefoil Guilds that stretch from Gloucestershire in the north, Berkshire in the east, Cornwall in the south, to the 3 Hampshires in the south, not forgetting our islands: the Isle of Wight and 2 of the Channel Islands - Jersey and Guernsey.

We are bounded by a great deal of coastline, and many guilds regard themselves to be in seaside resorts. Devon and Dorset welcome holidaymakers to their famous Jurassic coast, but there are major tourist centres too like Bath, Bristol, Salisbury, Wells, Cheddar and Gloucester too. Exciting attractions that are so well known like Stonehenge and Wookey Hole bring the world to us, but we like to get away too, and Trefoil members are adventurous in the places they visit across the globe! But always keen to get into the great outdoors, the Mendips invite our members to pull on their boots - as do the Malverns, Exmoor and Dartmoor! With so many fascinating places to explore, guilds enjoy rich and varied programmes... South West England Trefoil members are creative and caring, involving themselves in a myriad of deserving causes and charities, but above all, they are friendly and welcoming. Members are from 18 years upwards, so whatever your age, do come and join the fun!

Email us Become a member

Areas we cover

Here is a list of the counties within our area.

  • Berkshire
  • Bristol and South Gloucestershire
  • Cornwall
  • Devon
  • Dorset
  • Gloucestershire
  • Guernsey
  • Hampshire East
  • Hampshire North
  • Hampshire West
  • Isle of Wight
  • Jersey
  • Somerset
  • Somerset North
  • Wiltshire North
  • Wiltshire South

Dates to remember

May 2024

South West England

Region Annual meeting

Our Region meeting for 2024 is in Jersey and we're looking forward to having a fun time.

Who’s who in South West England

Part of our Region Team
Region chairHilary
Region presidentSheila Leete
Region treasurerJane Withey
Region secretarySue Norton
PR adviserAvril
Programme and development adviserSue Copley
International adviserSue Bowles
Voyage award coordinatorSue Veillard