Trefoil Guild in Foreign Countries

TGIFC stands for Trefoil Guild in Foreign Countries. There are members in guilds in various countries, as well as lone members spread across the world. As well as meeting in their guilds, TGIFC members stay in touch through letters, emails, video meetings, and social media. Members receive copies of The Trefoil magazine and many join in with activities with other Trefoil Guilds when they are visiting the UK.

Email us Become a member

Trefoil Guild in Foreign Countries

We have TGIFC guilds in Benelux & France, Bermuda, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Malta, St Helena, Pinoso (Spain) and Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand).

We have lone members in Australia, Austria, Canada, Canary Islands, Greece, Mallorca, Portugal, Sweden, Thailand, UAE and USA.

Members join TGIFC for a variety of reasons. They may be leaders in the UK who have moved to another country for work and join TGIFC to keep in touch. They may be serving members of the armed forces who move around and are unable to join one guild. Some people have led overseas youth groups and some become members to find friendship and get involved in something new.

Dates to remember

June 2024

Trefoil Guild in Foreign Countries

TGIFC virtual get-together

Online get-together for TGIFC members and Trefoil Guild friends.

Who’s who in Trefoil Guild in Foreign Countries

Jo Greaney TGIFC chair
Region chairJo