NEE Region Team Day March 23rd 2024

The region team invited the county chairs plus one other member of their team to join together for a fun day of activities and discussions based around the new Motivate challenge.

After a warm welcome by the region chair, PR and Programme advisers, members were given a brief outline about Motivate and how the initiative was produced through collaborative working by advisers from the 9 countries and regions across the UK.

This was followed by activities based on the 3 Motivate areas, Air - Land Water, also highlighting the 4 key aims of Trefoil, giving participants suggestions and ideas to take back to their county’s members. 

After lunch, 3 groups of 5 county pairs, discussed how they might introduce and enthuse their county members to take up this new personal challenge and how to evolve a way forward. 

Then everyone came together to discuss ideas from their groups, suggesting great ideas, a better understanding of the challenge and encouraging them to promote Motivate in their counties.

The website was available to identify where to find all relevant information, the promotional presentation, handouts and record form. Hopefully everyone now knows exactly what support is available to be great Motivators and pass their knowledge to others.

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