Lurgan Trefoil members become tour guides!

Historic Royal Palaces run a generous Community Access Scheme allowing groups meeting the criteria to have leaders trained to take their members on visits of any of their sites for free with no time or visit limit. 2 members went forward to complete the training involving a visit to the venue and learning about the site. In Ulster, this is Hillsborough Castle and the beautiful gardens. Each trained leader is able to take 15 people with them. Rosalind Morcombe and Ruth McCoy undertook the day and had a fascinating time learning some interesting and weird facts about the people who lived in the castle!

The pair took a group to Hillsborough Castle to see the snowman trail in the winter and are due to go back in April to see the spring bulbs with other dates in the diary for more folk to take advantage of the scheme. During the year there are specialist days to which they receive invitations. Historic Royal Palaces have locations in and around London and the idea of a trip to some of them has been suggested so who knows!
