Other Awards and Recognition

Eileen French MBE

Members of the Hadleigh Trefoil Guild were delighted to hear that their Chairman had been awarded the MBE in the first birthday honours list of King Charles III.

The award was for her years of work as a founder trustee of ECVYS (Essex Council for Voluntary Services) and for services to the youth in Essex. She had represented ECVYS on the Regional Accreditation Panel who awarded Youth Training qualifications.

There couldn’t be anyone more deserving. I met Eileen 40 years ago when my daughters were members of her flourishing Ranger group. They were encouraged to do so much enterprising work and attended jamborees in America and Sweden. 

Eileen has been a Guide, Guider, Ranger Guider, County Trefoil Chairman and is the present Chair of Hadleigh Trefoil Guild. She has held a training diploma and certificate which enabled her to train Guiders at Foxlease and Waddow and Commissioners in many parts of the country. She has been Training Chairman for Essex South East and as Regional Ranger Advisor she had joint responsibility for the ARC 89 camp and the celebrations in 1991. She has made 2 overseas trips with Rangers to Sweden and trained Guiders and Commissioners in Belize. She has also tutored prospective trainers to gain a licence and many of these people keep in touch with her.  

Hadleigh Trefoil Guild look forward to her continuing enthusiasm, energy, example and commitment. Congratulations Eileen. 

Maureen Lennard-Brown

Hadleigh Trefoil Guild Secretary